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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inEhrlich, Alan G.
InstitutionCity Univ. of New York, NY. Hunter Coll. Bilingual Education Applied Research Unit.
TitelStockton Demonstration Bilingual Project. Content Analysis Schedule for Bilingual Education Programs.
Quelle(1971), (67 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBiculturalism; Bilingualism; Cognitive Development; Content Analysis; Curriculum Design; Educational Finance; Elementary School Students; English; Grouping (Instructional Purposes); Kindergarten Children; Learning Theories; Mexican Americans; Program Costs; Self Esteem; Sociolinguistics; Spanish; Tutoring; California; California (Stockton)
AbstractThis content analysis schedule for a Demonstration Bilingual Project of Stockton, California, presents information on the history, funding, and scope of the project in its second year. Included are sociolinguistic process variables such as the native and dominant languages of students and their interaction. Information is provided on staff selection and the linguistic background of project teachers. An assessment is made of the duration and extent of the bilingual component, and the methods of second language teaching in general. Included is an analysis of materials, student grouping, tutoring, curriculum patterns, and cognitive development. The report also discusses self-esteem, learning strategies, the bicultural and community components, and means of evaluation. Attached to the report are the objectives of the Social Studies and Science product/process. The schedule has been verified by the project. (SK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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