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Autor/inEdgar, Thomas
InstitutionColorado Univ., Boulder.
TitelEvaluation in Adult Basic Education. Heuristics of Adult Education: Courses of Study for Professional Preparation of Educators of Adults.
Quelle(1970), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Education; Adult Educators; Course Content; Data Analysis; Data Collection; Discovery Processes; Evaluation Methods; Goal Orientation; Objectives; Professional Education; Program Evaluation; Research; Student Attitudes; Student Needs; Tape Recordings; Teacher Attitudes
AbstractA course which grew directly from the stated needs expressed by Adult Basic Education (ABE) students and ABE teachers alike is presented. As the course was presented, the content was evaluated through analysis of tape recordings of class periods, through analysis of instructor opinion, and through the collection and analysis of the opinions of those enrolled in the class. The final course outline is the basis of the major portion of the discussion contained in this report. The three major sections of the outline are: (1) The Development of an Understanding of the Meaning of Evaluation of Adult Basic Education, (2) The Development of an Understanding of the Interrelationships among Statements of ABE Objectives, Teaching in ABE Situations, the Students Goals, His Achievement, and the Evaluation of His Progress, and (3) Students Build Examinations or Criterion Check Lists Based Upon Their Teaching-Learning Units. (For related documents, see AC 008 317-319, 321, 322.) (CK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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