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Autor/inJencks, Christopher
TitelEducation: Cultivating Greater Diversity.
Quelle(1966), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Change; Community Colleges; Decentralization; Educational Improvement; Educational Innovation; Educational Objectives; Educational Responsibility; Equal Education; Experimental Schools; Free Choice Transfer Programs; Higher Education; Neighborhood Schools; Private Schools; Public Education; School Organization; School Policy; Socialization; Transfer Policy
AbstractAlthough schools have increased influence over the social-psychological development of youth, they do not provide diversity in nonacademic domains. In addition, the apparent diversity among institutions is of little value because institutions are not located or administered in such a way that individuals can choose freely between them. Decentralization and equal access to every school might effectively alter the monolithic pattern of school organization. Another innovation, which would provide for dissenters from majority-dominated school policies, would be to establish scholarships for attendance at either neighboring public schools or at private schools. At the college level, universalization of higher education and the academic profession's increasing power over collegiate organization and standards are trends that threaten to eliminate diversity. Commuter colleges will increasingly replace residential ones, and all seem to be turning into Ph.D. preparatory institutions. Alternatives to the years of boredom in the classroom must be found in order to forestall the increasing alienation and anger of youth. (NH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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