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Autor/inn/enHarland, Jennie; Bernardinelli, Daniele
InstitutionNational Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (England); National Governors Association
TitelExecutive Headteachers: What's in a Name? Technical Appendix
Quelle(2016), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Principals; School Administration; Qualitative Research; Statistical Analysis; Case Studies; Elementary Secondary Education; Sampling; Census Figures; Content Analysis; Administrator Role; Administrator Responsibility; Administrator Qualifications; Job Skills; Salaries; Administrator Characteristics; Incidence; Comparative Analysis; Interviews; Motivation; Administrative Organization; United Kingdom (England)
AbstractThis document is a technical appendix to the report "Executive Headteachers: What's in a Name? A Full Report of the Findings." It provides a detailed account of the methodology used to obtain the data on which the report is based. The research explored the prevalence and nature of the executive headteacher role, in order to inform policy and practice implications for organisations involved with leadership development, school governing boards and those appointing to the role, and the wider school landscape agenda. Research questions included: (1) What are the characteristics and distribution of executive headteachers (from here on referred to as EHTs), as compared with the profile of other headteachers (from here on referred to as HTs)? (2) What are the distinguishing features of the EHT role and implications for development, compared with "traditional" headship? and (3) What are the distinctive aspects of appointing to the EHT role as compared with traditional headship? In order to explore these research questions, the study involved the following strands of methodology: (1) Strand A: a thematic review of HT application packs (15) and EHT application packs (15); (2) Strand B: secondary analysis of School Workforce Census (SWC) data supplemented with data from Edubase; and (3) Strand C: 12 in-depth case studies with a total of 33 interviews (encompassing 12 EHTs, 10 governors or similar role, and 11 heads of school (HoS) or similar role). Each of the three strands of methodology is discussed in turn; exploring the specific aims, sampling strategy, sample characteristics and analysis conducted. A final section describes how the three strands of data were brought together for the final report. [This appendix was co-published by The Future Leaders Trust. For the full report, see ED574411. For the Executive Summary, see ED574408. For the Review of Literature, see ED574415. For the Case Study Compendium, see ED574414.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Foundation for Educational Research. The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 2DQ, UK. Tel: +44-1753-574123; Fax: +44-1753-637280; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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