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Autor/inGaines, Ruth Ann
InstitutionIowa State Dept. of Education, Des Moines.
TitelCelebrating Diversity in Iowa.
Quelle(1999), (67 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterConsciousness Raising; Diversity (Faculty); Diversity (Student); Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Iowa
AbstractThis publication highlights the opportunities to celebrate statewide diversity experienced by the 1998-99 Iowa Teacher of the Year, an African-American woman. Section 1 highlights her visits to 16 colleges around Iowa. Section 2 discusses her visits to 400 classrooms in 93 K-12 schools in 50 districts. Section 3 discusses the conferences and workshops at which she spoke, usually on the subject of diversity. Workshop handouts are included. Section 4 describes panels and club talks. Section 5 describes the many committees she participated in as Iowa's education ambassador. Section 6 describes a play in which she acted at a community playhouse. Section 7 describes a performing group called The Voices of Change, which dramatized solutions to the many human rights problems plaguing students at one high school. Section 8 describes a youth diversity conference that she created, including materials from the conference. Section 9 describes her invitation to introduce President Clinton on his visit to a Des Moines middle school. Section 10 discusses the goals that she intends to achieve as a teacher after completing her term as Iowa Teacher of the Year. (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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