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Autor/inYoung, Peter R.
TitelKnowledge Communities and Information Network Policies.
Quelle(1991), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Computer Networks; Epistemology; Futures (of Society); Higher Education; Information Networks; Intellectual Property; Organizational Change; Policy Formation; Privacy; Research Libraries; Researchers; Scholarly Communication; Technological Advancement; Values
AbstractThe growing convergence of research library functions with a knowledge network infrastructure is beginning to have a transforming influence on the conduct of university research and instruction. Computing and communication network technologies are forcing a re-examination of institutional missions, the policies that support knowledge transmission, research productivity, scholarly communication, academic creativity, intellectual property ownership, and the values supporting intellectual inquiry, quality, and advancement within the university. These structural shifts are occurring within a dynamic context of organizational change. Greater awareness of the influence of electronic machines on learning will present new structures for the education of tomorrow's students, who will encounter interactive multimedia technology in conjunction with more traditional textual resources. Faculty members will use computer and audiovisual technology together to create course materials mixing film, video, graphics, sound, and text. More research is being performed by teams of specialists, often working in collegial networks or co-laboratories, and research libraries are moving towards networked information systems and access to shared resources from diverse collection sources. Those involved in these changes must engage in a rigorous exploration of the impact on professional and institutional values so that the changing infrastructure will reflect the creative systems, established conventions, scholarly customs, and social structures required to perpetuate the values of the scholarly community into the next century. (KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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