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Autor/inn/enHughes, K. Scott; und weitere
InstitutionNational Association of College and University Business Officers, Washington, DC.
TitelYears of Challenge: The Impact of Demographic and Work Force Trends on Higher Education in the 1990s. A NACUBO Monograph.
Quelle(1991), (155 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Colleges; Demography; Educational Objectives; Educational Planning; Educational Quality; Educational Strategies; Employment Patterns; Enrollment; Higher Education; Labor Force; Labor Force Development; Labor Needs; Occupational Mobility; Technological Advancement; Trend Analysis; Universities
AbstractThis report describes national demographic and work force trends that have important implications for institutions and presents recommended management strategies for the 1990s. Among the trends predicted for the next 10 years are the following: (1) a continuing reduction in the traditional 18-24 year-old college-going population; (2) the increasing participation of women, minority and foreign students, and individuals over 35 years of age; (3) an increasing demand for a higher level of educational attainment from workers; (4) an increasing mobility of the work force and multiple career changes, as well as major dislocations in the work force through organizational changes; and (5) fierce international competition coupled with advances in technology and communications. It is suggested that higher education institutions need to push more responsibility downward toward teachers and students, help create a work force that makes the nation's economy more competitive and productive, and reexamine what quality education means from the perspective of the student learner and how quality relates to cost so that relative value can be determined. Four strategies emerge for colleges and universities: increase quality of services; increase use of technology and communications; increase labor productivity; and reduce costs. Contains 18 references. (GLR)
AnmerkungenNational Association of College and University Business Officers, One Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036 ($30.00 for members, $45.00 for nonmembers).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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