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Autor/inn/enSallis, E.; Hingley, P.
InstitutionFurther Education Staff Coll., Blagdon (England).
TitelCollege Quality Assurance Assurances. Mendip Papers 020.
Quelle(1991), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Outcomes Assessment; Colleges; Cultural Influences; Educational Assessment; Educational Quality; Educational Resources; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Management Systems; Program Development; Program Implementation; Systems Approach; Total Quality Management; Universities; United Kingdom
AbstractThis paper discusses the increasing interest in quality assurance in British education including its measurement and management through the introduction of a quality assurance system. The reasons and benefits of beginning a quality assurance system are discussed, and questions of what constitutes quality, whether it is quality in fact (specification adherence), or quality in perception (consumer viewpoint), are considered. Three quality assurance systems are examined: British Standards 5750 Quality Systems Total Quality Management; and a system of the Staff College's devising. Also examined are two issues surrounding the implementation of a quality assurance system, namely, the type of college culture that exists, and the resources which the college is prepared to commit to quality assurance. Finally, the report outlines the stages for introducing a quality assurance system in the college setting. Stage 1 discusses the appraisal and diagnosis process and provides a checklist to assist the college in assessing its existing quality culture. The second stage examines the measurement of managerial commitment, and stage 3 focuses on costing considerations and analysis. The last three stages cover establishing a plan of action; involving everyone in the quality process; and review and evaluation. Contains 11 references and a 20-item bibliography. (GLR)
AnmerkungenThe Further Education Staff College, Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, Bristol BS18 6RG, England (MP-020, 5.50 pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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