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Autor/inBly, Onadell J.
TitelCataloging Backlogs: Their Content and Control. A Survey of Collection Developers and Catalogers in OhioLINK Libraries.
Quelle(1991), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Academic Libraries; Access to Information; Cataloging; Higher Education; Library Materials; Library Networks; Library Technical Processes; Research Libraries
AbstractThis paper identifies the nature and extent of backlogs in OhioLINK libraries, how these backlogs are controlled and managed, and who has knowledge of what is contained in these backlogs. Using survey methodology, data were collected from the heads of cataloging and collection development departments of the OhioLINK libraries through questionnaires. The survey results reveal that backlogs exist in varying sizes in nearly all of the OhioLINK libraries. There seems to be little knowledge among the librarians about the content of the backlogs, and the availability of Library of Congress/OCLC copy is relied upon heavily by the libraries in making backlog decisions. Few of these libraries provide information to the user about the backlog in the public access catalogs, but there is almost unanimous agreement among catalogers and collection developers that such access should be made available. None of the libraries shelve backlogged materials in public access location for perusal or browsing. Overall, it appears there must be more and better communication between catalogers and collection developers to eliminate current backlogs and to prevent their future growth. General insights into the situation and recommendations for improvement are presented in the conclusion. The questionnaire and other survey materials are appended. (25 references) (Author/MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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