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Autor/inLaSalle, Patricia Ann
InstitutionCouncil for Advancement and Support of Education, Washington, DC.
TitelCollege and University Magazines: Building Credibility To Advance Your Institution.
Quelle(1991), (130 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Alumni; Colleges; Editing; Editors; Higher Education; Institutional Advancement; Mission Statements; Organizational Communication; Periodicals; Public Relations; Universities
AbstractThis monograph examines college and university magazines aimed at alumni and designed to promote the institution and enhance its image. The first third contains three chapters. The first chapter reviews the evolution of these publications from their start in the late 1800s to today. The next chapter addresses questions of a magazine's role, whether it should serve to simply provide information or build the institution's image. The third chapter looks at policies and how they are developed: management and staffing, audiences, reporting relationships with executives in the institution, sources of support, content, and editorial authority. An appendix to this section contains a list of professional benchmarks for editors, a statement of ethics, and sample mission statements. The second and third sections contain reprints from the magazine CURRENTS for professionals in institutional advancement. The reprints in the first group address substance and style questions including writing, format, faculty authors, research news, editorial authority and independence, giving support to fund raising, and plagiarism. The second group of reprints offers ideas for change including format, mission statements, surviving reduced funding, management, and converting to recycled paper. A bibliography offers 33 items. (JB)
AnmerkungenCASE Resources, Suite 400, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036-1261 ($24.00 members, $32.00 non-members).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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