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Autor/inRamirez de Arellano, Diana
InstitutionNew York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY.
TitelEl espanol: La lengua de Puerto Rico. Aprecio y defensa de nuestra lengua materna en la ciudad de Nueva York (Spanish: Language of Puerto Rico. Appreciation and Defense of our Mother Tongue in New York City).
Quelle(1971), (39 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBiculturalism; Bilingual Education; Bilingual Students; Bilingualism; Educational Programs; English; Language Programs; Language Usage; Latin American Culture; Minority Groups; Puerto Ricans; Self Concept; Self Esteem; Spanish; Spanish Speaking; Speech; Speech Education; Speech Improvement
AbstractThe author presents her appreciation and defense of Spanish as it is spoken in New York City, especially among Puerto Ricans. She believes that the institution of bilingual education in the city's schools is an important first step in elevating Spanish to the position it deserves as a means of instruction and communication. The instructional materials still need, however, to reflect the predominant culture of the Hispanic population. Closely related is the need for well-trained Spanish-speaking teachers who can easily relate to the educational problems of the students. These measures will help to reverse the negative self-concept that Puerto Ricans have of themselves and their language. With such a change of attitude, the author believes will come the self-respect necessary for a true appreciation of Puerto Rican Spanish, which when spoken properly is different but in no way inferior to Peninsular Spanish. (SK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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