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Autor/inn/enShort, Jim; Hirsh, Stephanie
Sonst. PersonenDarling-Hammond, Linda (Vorw.)
TitelTransforming teaching through curriculum-based professional learning.
The elements.
QuelleThousand Oaks: Corwin Press (2022), xxi, 163 S.
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BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 151-158
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-1-0718-8631-1; 978-1-0718-8632-8
SchlagwörterLehrerbildung; Lernen; Lernerfahrung; Lehren; Curriculum; Lehrmittel; Schulbuch
AbstractThe future of professional learning starts here. Even the most experienced teachers provided with the highest quality instructional materials benefit from additional support to ensure student success. Simply adopting new instructional materials is unlikely to significantly change teacher practice. Ensuring a level of excellence that benefits all students calls for an approach to professional learning that is anchored in the use of high-quality curriculum and grounded in immersive learning experiences for all teachers. Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning offers a framework for practitioners looking to undertake this work. The curriculum-based professional learning detailed here enables teachers to deepen their understanding of the essential components of successful curriculum implementation and work together to provide instruction that has a positive impact on student engagement and learning. Features include Detailed case studies based on actual schools and districts that illustrate the elements of curriculum-based professional learning in action Detailed guidance on the roles and responsibilities of teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders Comparison charts that show the distinctions between curriculum-based professional learning and more traditional forms of professional development Elements icons that help readers navigate each chapter of the book Teachers' jobs are changing in real time. When they are supported with both high-quality instructional materials and curriculum-based professional learning, they can position our schools to achieve the dual goals of equity and excellence.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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