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Autor/inn/enKirlin, Mary; Shulock, Nancy
InstitutionCalifornia State University, Sacramento. Institute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy
TitelOn Balance: Lessons in Effective Coordination from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges--An Organizational Perspective
Quelle(2012), (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSelf Evaluation (Groups); Technical Institutes; Governance; Program Effectiveness; Community Colleges; Administrative Organization; Organizational Effectiveness; Case Studies; Improvement Programs; Coordination; Statewide Planning; Governing Boards; Educational Policy; Educational Finance; Public Agencies; Agency Role; Systems Approach; Strategic Planning; Politics of Education; Educational Environment; Policy Formation; Adult Education; Institutional Mission; Economic Factors; Questionnaires; Program Descriptions; California; Florida; Kentucky; New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oregon; Tennessee; Texas; Washington
AbstractThe challenge of producing the systemic changes that are needed to boost educational attainment and economic competitiveness across the country falls heavily on entities that coordinate public postsecondary institutions. Coordination of postsecondary education, whether of a single system of institutions or across an entire state, requires strategic leadership that draws on formal and informal authority to influence the priorities and activities of locally governed colleges and universities with strong traditions of autonomy. Many states are actively moving to improve postsecondary coordination--including the redesign of formal governance structures. This project was undertaken to help states improve the coordination function. It consists of a case study to tell the story of one coordinating board and a self-assessment tool that draws on the case study findings and aims to help other states better understand their own challenges and opportunities with respect to postsecondary coordination. Appended are: (1) SBCTC Notable Policy Innovations--Descriptions and References; and (2) Community College Size, Governance, and Funding in Ten States. (Contains 4 figures and 6 footnotes.) [For "Self Assessment: Increasing the Effectiveness of Postsecondary Coordination. A Companion to "On Balance: Lessons in Effective Coordination from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges--An Organizational Perspective"", see ED534112.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInstitute for Higher Education Leadership & Policy. 6000 J Street, Tahoe Hall 3063, Sacramento, CA 95819. Tel: 916-278-3888; Fax: 916-278-3907; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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