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Autor/inWink, John
TitelA Teacher's Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom: Creating Support Systems for Student Success
Quelle(2019), (248 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Teacher Role; Elementary Secondary Education; Educational Quality; Success; Student Development; Instruction; Learner Engagement; Individualized Instruction; Teaching Methods; Student Leadership; Teacher Influence; Teacher Effectiveness; Teamwork
AbstractTeachers play a significant role in their students' lives. To support this important work, "A Teacher's Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom" details how K-12 educators can use the Hierarchy of Instructional Excellence and the Student Excellence Support System to maximize their impact and increase student success. Discover how to build relationships for learning, increase engagement, differentiate instruction, foster student leadership, promote a growth mindset in students, and more. Use this resource to unlock your students' full potential and increase their academic achievement: (1) Study the powerful impact educators have on the lives of their students through influential teaching strategies and building relationships; (2) Examine the connections between teacher effectiveness and widespread student excellence; (3) Consult schoolwide, team, and individualized support systems and interventions, which strengthen instruction at every level of need and experience; (4) Gain numerous strategies for classroom management and pathways toward increasing your effectiveness through the Student Excellence Support System; and (5) Learn how the author's Hierarchy of Instructional Excellence relates to Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in order to address specific areas for student improvement and growth, including self-actualization. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenSolution Tree. 555 North Morton Street, Bloomington, IN 47404. Tel: 800-733-6786; Tel: 812-336-7700; Fax: 812-336-7790; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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