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Autor/inn/enStrehl, Franz; Reisinger, Sabine; Kalatschan, Michael
InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
TitelFunding Systems and their Effects on Higher Education Systems. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 6
Quelle(2007), (119 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; College Administration; Foreign Countries; Educational Finance; Stakeholders; Educational Policy; Budgeting; Financial Policy; Funding Formulas; Educational Environment; Educational Strategies; Governance; Marketing; Resource Allocation; Administrator Attitudes; Austria; Czech Republic; Denmark; Germany; Ireland; Latvia; Norway; Portugal; Slovakia
AbstractThis international study focuses on the funding systems in the area of higher education in the following countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Portugal and Slovak Republic. Each individual country study was designed and conducted within an overall common framework by a project partner from the respective country. By using the stakeholder approach, this study addresses and analyses the effects of funding systems on the higher education system and its institutions. In order to present a comprehensive overview, the study explicitly takes into account the stakeholders' diversity and explores the effects of how funding systems are perceived and assessed differently. The overall results, as well as a summary report of each country, are presented in this publication. Information regarding the main features of higher education funding systems, the formal, explicitly stated interrelationships between the funding system and national higher education policies is provided. Furthermore, the intended and unintended effects of funding systems on higher education in general and on the basic core tasks teaching and research are described and discussed. Institutional strategic responses to the respective funding systems are outlined. The various stakeholders' points of view concerning strengths and weaknesses of funding systems are explored by the researchers. This comprehensive report presents an overview of the most important results and conclusions thus far, but cannot presently provide details. The detailed results and stakeholder views have been focused on in each country's individual report. In addition, the main theoretical foundations related to the study results have been briefly described. The full documentation of this study--including all country reports--is available at the Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) of the OECD: (Contains 2 notes, 1 figures and 19 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenOECD Publishing. 2, rue Andre Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. Tel: +33 145 24 8200; Fax: +33 145 24 8500; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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