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Sonst. PersonenBauer, Karen (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNorth East Association for Institutional Research.
TitelInstitutional Research in a Changing Society. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the North East Association for Institutional Research (18th, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 16-19, 1991).
Quelle(1991), (295 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Persistence; Accountability; College Admission; College Environment; Colleges; Comparative Analysis; Comparative Education; Conference Papers; Disabilities; Educational Administration; Educational Change; Enrollment; Higher Education; Information Systems; Institutional Evaluation; Institutional Research; Interdisciplinary Approach; Meetings; Remedial Instruction; Science Education; Student Recruitment; Transfer Students; Undergraduate Study; Universities; Volunteers
AbstractThis document contains formal papers, keynote speeches and selected panel presentations delivered at a conference that addressed the issues, responsibilities and challenges faced by institutional researchers now and in the future. Papers are as follows: "Attrition and C.I.R.P. Correlates of a Measure of Self-Confidence Regarding Transition into College" (Robert W. Baker); "An Information Infrastructure for Enrollment Management Tracking and Understanding Your Students" (Craig A. Clagett, Helen S. Kerr); "The Special Relationship and Higher Education: How the UK and USA Systems Might Learn More from Each Other" (Peter Davies, John Maguire); "Using Diverse Reference Points to Inform Decision Making" (Robert C. Froh); "Interdisciplinary Approach to Science Education" (Gin K. Gee, Marion Walker); "Management Tools for Faculty Salary Decisions: Comparisons and Simulations" (M. Patricia Gildea); "Public Accountability and Development (Remedial) Education" (Patricia N. Haeuser); "Increasing Institutional Research Effectiveness and Productivity: Findings from a National Survey" (Robin B. Huntington, Craig A. Clagett); "Re-Examining the Role of an Institutional Research Office in a Changing Technological, Fiscal, and Political Climate" (Jean Morlock Kibler); "Multi-method Design in Assessing Campus Culture" (Arthur Kramer); "Perceptions of College Experience and Goal Achievement among Nonpersisters and Graduates" (Deborah Lessne); "Development of an Information System for Tracking Transfer Students" (Judith A. McCarroll); "Why Do Some Students Choose To Work While Others Do Not?" (Yuko Mulugetta, Dennis Chavez); "Estimating Numbers of Students with Disabilities, Their Needs, and Ratings of Facilities and Services" (Marian N. Steinberg); "A Simple Computer Model for Prioritizing and Scheduling School Visits" (David R. Wier, Jr.); "Status, Role, Experience, and Credentials as Factors Influencing Salaries of Professional Academic Librarians" (Marie E. Zeglen); "Marketing Higher Education in a Changing Society: Reframing Our Questions for the 1990s" (Elizabeth G. Cook); "'Fantasies' and Forecasts for the Year 2010" (Peter Davies, Sherry H. Penney); and "Demand Driven Volunteer Institutional Research at a Small Liberal Arts University" (Ann Preston, Kathleen Murphy, Robert Murphy, Joan Biter, Carol Wittmeyer). Contains an index and members list. (GLR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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