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Sonst. PersonenBixby, Pamela (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAssociation of Research Libraries, Washington, DC.
TitelHigher Education Reform in the 1990s. Minutes of the Meeting of the Association of Research Libraries (116th, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 9-11, 1990).
Quelle(1991), (185 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Libraries; Demography; Educational Change; Educational Philosophy; Futures (of Society); Higher Education; Library Role; Public Policy; Research Libraries; Social Change
AbstractThis membership meeting focused on higher education reform in the 1990s and the mission of educational institutions in the face of changes in educational philosophy, cultural and demographic changes, and shifts in public policy. It is argued that the ongoing academic revolution will define higher education in the next decade, and that research libraries must be key players as universities rethink the curriculum to address the needs of traditional, non-traditional, and under-represented populations of students, provide more effective undergraduate education, support the expanding role of higher education in national economic well-being, and create a stimulating, nurturing environment for the university community in the 1990s. The following five papers were presented in two general program sessions, each of which began with an introduction by Marilyn Sharrow: (1) "Writing a Script for the Future of Higher Education" (Gordon Davies); (2) "In Praise of Teaching and Research" (William D'Antonio); (3) "Rethinking Curriculum and Teaching Methods in the Humanities" (Phyllis Franklin); (4) "The Impact of Demographic Trends on the Future of Higher Education" (Carol De Vita); and (5) "Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity" (Carol Cartwright). Transcripts of three townmeeting discussions are also included: (1) Preservation; (2) Telecommunications: The Coalition for Networked Information; and (3) Serials Prices: The Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing. The report of the business meeting includes reports from various groups, and seven appendices include additional reports, 1989 ARL financial statements, a participant list, and lists of officers, directors, committees, and task forces, as well as a list of organizational members of the association. (BBM)
AnmerkungenAssociation of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036 ($40/year for ARL members, $60/year for all others).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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