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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enFairbairn, Kerry; Pegolo, Catherine
InstitutionQueensland Dept. of Education, Brisbane (Australia). Research Branch.
TitelForeign Languages in Secondary Schools. Report No. 2: Studies in Six Schools.
Quelle(1983), (83 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Organization; Administrator Attitudes; Case Studies; Catholic Schools; Declining Enrollment; Educational Environment; Enrollment Trends; Foreign Countries; French; Futures (of Society); High Schools; Italian; Japanese; Language Attitudes; Private Schools; Program Descriptions; Program Design; School Size; Second Language Instruction; Secondary Education; Single Sex Schools; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Urban Schools; Australia
AbstractSix case studies of foreign language programs in diverse Australian secondary schools conducted as part of an effort to learn the state of secondary level foreign language instruction are presented. The studies were conducted through administrator, teacher, and student interviews, on-site observation, and verification of the final report by the school's administration. The major issues looked at include administrator, teacher, and student attitudes toward the teaching and learning of foreign languages, their views on certain administrative aspects of their own programs, and their perceptions of each other's views. The administrative issues looked at include: scheduling; course structure; the benefits, difficulties, and student expectations of foreign language study; resources and learning environments; administrative and external support; teacher allocation and competence; classroom and extra-curricular activities; reasons for the foreign language enrollment decline; and predictions about future trends. The six programs include three large metropolitan state high school programs, a medium-sized all-boys Catholic secondary school program, a small independent all-girls school in a provincial city, and a state secondary class attached to a state primary school. The programs included two each in French, Japanese, and Italian. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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