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Autor/inn/enBottoms, Gene; Merritt, Amanda; Mollette, Dan; Tadlock, Joseph
InstitutionSouthern Regional Education Board (SREB)
TitelMaking Math Matter: High-Quality Assignments That Help Students Solve Problems and Own Their Learning
Quelle(2018), (80 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterMathematics Instruction; Assignments; Problem Solving; Mathematical Concepts; Mathematics Achievement; Middle School Students; High School Students; Teacher Behavior; Instructional Improvement; Teacher Attitudes; Faculty Development; Instructional Effectiveness; Alabama; Louisiana; North Carolina; West Virginia; Delaware; Kentucky; Mississippi; South Carolina
AbstractThis report presents results of teacher and student surveys on how powerful Mathematics Design Collaborative practices are shifting how teachers teach. It also summarizes student achievement data from schools using the strategies in four states. In vignettes and testimonials, teachers who completed Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) professional development on Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) share how they have grown as teachers and how their students' understanding of math concepts has improved. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenSouthern Regional Education Board. 592 10th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318-5790. Tel: 404-875-9211; Fax: 404-872-1477; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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