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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAgency for International Development (Dept. of State), Washington, DC.
TitelSituation Analysis of Teacher Education in Pakistan: Towards a Strategic Framework for Teacher Education and Professional Development
Quelle(2006), (98 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Economically Disadvantaged; Textbooks; Teacher Education; Public Sector; Professional Development; Educational Change; Program Evaluation; Systems Analysis; Higher Education; Educational Improvement; Accreditation (Institutions); Educational History; Administrative Organization; Schools of Education; Teacher Education Curriculum; Labor Force; Case Studies; Educational Environment; State Programs; Financial Problems; Program Descriptions; Nongovernmental Organizations; Private Sector; Worksheets; Teacher Evaluation; International Organizations; Educational Assessment; Instructional Materials; Elementary Secondary Education; Pakistan
AbstractThe quality of education provided by the public sector in Pakistan has been poor due to low levels of teacher competence, lack of classroom-based support for teachers, poor quality of textbooks and learning materials, lack of systems to assess student learning outcomes, uneven supervision, insufficient resources for critical teaching and learning materials, and weak sector governance and management (World Bank, "Third Punjab Education" 2006). This situation analysis attempts to undertake a comprehensive review of teacher education in Pakistan. It also attempts to answer several of the key questions raised in the Ministry of Education's Green Paper on Teachers, including: (1) What are the deficiencies of the current training regimes?; (2) How can teacher training be improved?; (3) Will an accreditation system help?; and (4) What would be a good accreditation system? Section I reviews all teacher education policies, plans, and programs since the 1990s. Section II discusses the relevant organizational and institutional structures at the national and provincial levels. An analysis of all the major ongoing and planned initiatives in teacher education is provided in Section III. Section IV highlights the status of and issues facing Teacher Professional Development (TPD). Finally, a series of policy, institutional, and curriculum-related recommendations are presented in Section V. The following are appended: (1) Brief Note on the Teacher Workforce in Pakistan; (2) Case Studies; (3) Provincial Organization Charts for Teacher Professional Development; and (4) Annual Confidential Report Forms (Pakistan). (Contains 4 tables, 1 box, 21 notes, and bibliography.) [This report was produced by UNESCO under USAID contract 391-A-00-06-01062-00.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Agency for International Development. Information Center, Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC 20523-1000. Tel: 202-712-4800; Fax: 202-216-3524
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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