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Autor/inHerbert, Ida L.
TitelAn Investigation of Domestic Approval Plan Return Rates by Academic Subjects before and after Subject Reprofiling at a Medium-Sized Academic Library.
Quelle(1991), (67 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Academic Libraries; Books; College Libraries; Higher Education; Intellectual Disciplines; Library Acquisition; Library Material Selection; Profiles; Purchasing
AbstractApproval plans are widely used in academic libraries to acquire current books soon after publication without time-consuming, costly title-by-title ordering. However, return rates of unselected books to the approval plan vendor are sometimes unacceptably high. Wright State University Library attempted to moderate their high approval return rates by fine-tuning their domestic approval plan subject profiles. After presenting a brief overview and literature review of the evaluation of approval plans, this paper describes a two-phase observational study undertaken at Wright State University Library to investigate before and after reprofiling return rates in order to explore the possibility that a relationship existed between subject areas and the number of books rejected. Science and engineering subject areas were found to be heavily represented in the rankings of subjects with the highest return rates both before and after reprofiling, and although most of the highest return rates were reduced following reprofiling, they still generally remained quite high. However, the return rates for most subject areas were poor both before and after reprofiling. While a trend may have been indicated, internal factors that appeared to come into play (for example, whether all books were reviewed and the questionable accuracy and appropriateness of the profiles themselves) made the researcher hesitate to assert a definitive connection. Samples of Baker & Taylor Management and Activity Reports and statistical tables are appended. (Contains 55 references.) (Author/KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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