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Autor/inn/enChiang, Katherine; und weitere
InstitutionCornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. Univ. Libraries
TitelINFeRS: Interactive Numeric Files Retrieval System. Final Report.
Quelle(1991), (155 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Access to Information; Agriculture; Computer System Design; Database Design; Higher Education; Information Retrieval; Information Systems; Man Machine Systems; Numeric Databases; Online Systems; Specifications; Systems Development
AbstractIn 1988 Mann Library at Cornell University proposed to develop a computer system that would support interactive access to significant electronic files in agriculture and the life sciences. This system was titled the Interactive Numeric Files Retrieval System (INFeRS). This report describes how project goals were met and it presents the project's conclusions, including recommendations on how numeric file interfaces should be structured. The first of six sections presents the project chronology and indicates the months during which significant project events occurred, including personnel recruitment, technical hardware and software installations, phase completions and testing. Background information provided in the second section includes information on the personnel who participated in the project; the selection, acquisition, and installation of the hardware and software used; and the institutional environment, including descriptions of the library and the computing and networking resources of the user group. The third section covers the selection, preparation, and documentation of the datasets used in the project. Database design issues are discussed in the fourth section, including the search and file transfer modules and such interface design issues as the screens, search sequence, and indexing modules. The fifth section provides a detailed description of the system, and future plans for the interface are presented in the sixth, together with a summary of the major issues and recommendations and conclusions. Documents related to the project are appended, including two requests for proposals (one for a minicomputer and the other for database management software), sample data output, and full codebook. (MAB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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