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Autor/inn/enFreeman, Nancy K.; King, Sherry
TitelService Learning in Preschool: An Intergenerational Project Involving Five–Year-Olds, Fifth Graders, and Senior Citizens.
QuelleIn: Early childhood education journal, (2001) 4, S.211-217Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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AbstractAbstract Service Learning is a powerful form of experiential pedagogy that is gaining popularity in classrooms from preprimary settings through graduate school. It involves students in activities that explicitly and intentionally integrate community involvement with appropriate academic objectives. This article describes an intergenerational service learning project that brought together preschoolers, golden-agers, and at-risk elementary-aged students. Lunch Time Book Buddies—Pass It On included both direct service and indirect service and made valuable contributions to young children's developing literacy, social-emotional, physical, and cognitive abilities.
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