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Autor/inn/enNasongo, Joseph W.; Musungu, Lydiah L.
TitelThe Implications of Nyerere's Theory of Education to Contemporary Education in Kenya
QuelleIn: Educational Research and Reviews, 4 (2009) 4, S.111-116 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational Change; Foreign Countries; Womens Education; Educational Theories; Relevance (Education); Educational Attitudes; Educational Philosophy; Economic Development; Political Attitudes; Kenya
AbstractThe question of relevance regarding education in human society is perennial. In the developing countries, education is considered to be a panacea for development. In Kenya, various efforts at curricular review and reform have time and again been undertaken to address the relevance of education. This paper attempts to analyze Nyerere's theory of education with the view to render salient ideas that can contribute towards the formulation of worthwhile theories of education in the context of Kenya's 21 century realities. Accordingly, Nyerere's views, namely, "education for self reliance" and "education for liberation" are analyzed. Consequently, it is evident that contemporary education in Kenya is inadequate in several ways. It is therefore recommended that education in Kenya should embrace a multidimensional orientation that ensures the liberation of the individual, leading to the attainment of self reliance. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAcademic Journals. e-mail:; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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