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Autor/inVillano, Matt
TitelAccess Denied
QuelleIn: Campus Technology, 22 (2008) 3, S.22-24 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterComputer Uses in Education; Technological Advancement; Technology Uses in Education; Video Technology; Influence of Technology; Technology Integration; Technology Planning; Computer Security; School Security; Educational History; School Buildings; Colleges
AbstractBuilding access control (BAC)--a catchall phrase to describe the systems that control access to facilities across campus--has traditionally been handled with remarkably low-tech solutions: (1) manual locks; (2) electronic locks; and (3) ID cards with magnetic strips. Recent improvements have included smart cards and keyless solutions that make use of shortwave radio frequencies (RF) to unlock doors when specially programmed key fobs are within 3 to 5 feet of a reader. Sure, some schools are investigating newer systems that incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as biometrics and video recognition software. But for the most part, while just about every other aspect of security technology seems to be advancing at breakneck speed, the technologies behind BAC have progressed at what is comparatively a snail's pace. In this article, the author takes a look at how BAC technology evolved since the radical 1970s. (ERIC).
Anmerkungen1105 Media, Inc. 9121 Oakdale Avenue Suite 101, Chatsworth, CA 91311; Tel: 818-734-1520; Fax: 818-734-1522; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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