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Autor/inn/enEdwards, Kirstie; Van Mele, Isabel; Verheust, Mieke; Spaepen, Arthur
TitelEvaluation of User Interface Design To Optimize Access to Library Databases for People Who Are Motor Impaired.
QuelleIn: Information Technology and Libraries, 16 (1997) 4, S.175-81Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAccess to Information; Comparative Analysis; Computer Interfaces; Computer Software Evaluation; Computer System Design; Design Preferences; Graphs; Internet; Library Catalogs; Online Catalogs; Physical Disabilities; Psychomotor Skills; User Needs (Information); Users (Information)
AbstractThree user interfaces to LIBIS, a library catalog accessible through the Internet, were evaluated for use by people who are motor impaired to identify how interface design influences the motor actions necessary to operate the system. Problems and recommendations related to simplicity, consistency, instinctiveness, interaction/feedback, and reducing/facilitating motor actions are considered. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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