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Autor/inDemetriou, Kyriakos
TitelFactors That Impact the Use of Educational Technology by Cypriot Teachers: An Alternative Training Opportunity
QuelleIn: International Journal of Learning Technology, 15 (2020) 4, S.277-308 (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational Technology; Technology Uses in Education; Elementary School Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Value Judgment; Barriers; Technology Integration; Foreign Countries; Special Education; Training; Faculty Development; Students with Disabilities; Student Needs; Technological Literacy; Cyprus
AbstractThis qualitative study explores the views of six Cypriot primary school teachers regarding the value of educational technology, their actual use of such technology in their classrooms and factors working against its use. Participating teachers collaborated with the researcher in the design of simple web-based learning environments for a variety of learners in their classes and the use of those in a series of computer-mediated teaching sessions, in the framework of an alternative training programme based on the Whole Teacher Development approach, a conceptual framework for in-service professional development of teachers. Both before and after this, participant observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted. It was found that the use of educational technologies in these Cypriot primary schools depends on a complex framework of interwoven and dynamic factors at both teacher and school levels. The results suggest that this collaboration opportunity has the potential to develop positive attitudes and change conservative stances towards educational technology although other factors such as lack of time, a demanding curriculum and limited ready-made and suitable educational software work against its use. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInderscience Publishers. World Trade Centre Building II 29 route de Pre-Bois Case Postale 856 CH-1215, Geneva 15, Switzerland. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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