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Autor/inn/enStankov, Lazar; Lee, Jihyun
TitelWe Can Boost IQ: Revisiting Kvashchev's Experiment
QuelleIn: Journal of Intelligence, 8 (2020), Artikel 41 (12 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Lee, Jihyun)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterIntelligence Quotient; Comparative Analysis; Creativity; Problem Solving; Teaching Methods; Outcomes of Education; Intelligence Tests; Effect Size; Adolescents; Foreign Countries; Yugoslavia
AbstractThis paper examined the effects of training in creative problem-solving on intelligence. We revisited Stankov's report on the outcomes of an experiment carried out by R. Kvashchev in former Yugoslavia that reported an IQ increase of seven points, on average, across 28 tests of intelligence. We argue that previous analyses were based on a conservative analytic approach and failed to take into account the reductions in the IQ test variances at the end of the three-years' training. When standard deviations of the initial test and 2nd retest were pooled in the calculation of the effect sizes, the experimental group's performance was 10 IQ points higher on average than that of the control group. Further, with the properly defined measures of fluid and crystallized intelligence, the experimental group showed a 15 IQ points higher increase than the control group. We concluded that prolonged intensive training in creative problem-solving can lead to substantial and positive effects on intelligence during late adolescence (ages 18-19). (As Provided).
AnmerkungenMDPI AG. Klybeckstrasse 64, 4057 Basel, Switzerland. e-mail:; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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