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Autor/inn/enSadownik, Alicja R.; Baraldsnes, Dziuginta; Kalgraf, Solveig
TitelLithuanian Educators' Experiences of Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care during a Short Study Trip
QuelleIn: Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5 (2017) 12, S.2227-2235 (9 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEarly Childhood Education; Preschool Teachers; Semi Structured Interviews; Travel; Teacher Attitudes; Foreign Countries; Socialization; Educational Experience; Misconceptions; Reflection; Educational Change; Educational Practices; Seminars; Lecture Method; Lithuania; Norway
AbstractThis paper presents an analysis of how educators from Lithuania experienced the Norwegian ECEC during a short study trip. The research results are informed by the theory of Practice Architecture [7, 8] that describes educational practices using the concepts of "sayings," "doings," and "relatings." "Sayings" refer to the discursive level, "doings" to the level of action and work, and relatings to sociopolitical dependencies. The research was conducted during a two-day study trip of Lithuanian educators to Bergen in June 2016. The data comprised seven semi-structured, written interviews and a transcribed group discussion with seven participants. The results show that the "doings" experienced were strongly dependent on the transmitted "sayings," which places great power in the process of framing the educational content of the study trip (lectures, presentations, and seminars). On the other hand, the experiences of the study trip were strongly dependent on the "sayings," "doings," and "relatings" that the visitors are socialized and educated with. They frame perceptions and can lead to misunderstandings. The "doings" and "relatings" experienced that agreed with the "sayings," but which did not necessarily correspond to other dimensions of Lithuanian practice, led to deep reflection and even changes in institutions in the home country. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenHorizon Research Publishing. 506 North Garfield Avenue #210, Alhambra, CA 91801. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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