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Autor/inn/enMintrop, Rick; Ordenes, Miguel
TitelTeacher Work Motivation in the Era of Extrinsic Incentives: Performance Goals and Pro-Social Commitments in the Service of Equity
QuelleIn: Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25 (2017) 44, (43 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Motivation; Incentives; Accountability; Goal Orientation; Educational Objectives; Charter Schools; Prosocial Behavior; Equal Education; Disadvantaged; Professional Identity; Rewards; Reputation; Social Justice; Teacher Surveys; High Schools; Secondary School Teachers; Rating Scales; Semi Structured Interviews; Self Determination; Qualitative Research
AbstractMindful of the withering of high-stakes accountability and disappointing data from pay for performance evaluations in the US, we ask why management by extrinsic incentives and organizational goal setting may have been far less powerful than designers of accountability and extrinsic incentive systems had expected. We explore how "system-generated" motives (e.g., attaining specific organizational goals, preventing sanctions, or garnering rewards) stack up against "autonomously generated," intrinsic, or service motives. We found through both quantitative and qualitative data that for teachers in the charter schools a constellation of public service motives predominated: diffuse pro-social commitments, ideologies of fairness and equity, a belief in the moral deservingness of deprived student populations in opposition to societal neglect, and identification with one's work as a personal calling. By comparison, monetary rewards were embraced as already deserved. Neither rewards, nor accountability, seemed to regulate behavior in a deep way. Prestige was not bestowed by official performance statuses within the accountability system, but flowed from judgments, personally communicated, by students, parents, or colleagues who had direct contact with teachers' work. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenColleges of Education at Arizona State University and the University of South Florida. c/o Editor, USF EDU162, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33620-5650. Tel: 813-974-3400; Fax: 813-974-3826; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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