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Autor/inn/enHerman, Phillip; Wardrip, Peter; Hall, Ashley; Chimino, Amy
TitelTeachers Harness the Power of Assessment: Collaborative Use of Student Data Gauges Performance and Guides Instruction
QuelleIn: Journal of Staff Development, 33 (2012) 4, S.26-29 (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Collaboration; Elementary School Teachers; Instructional Improvement; Workplace Learning; Charter Schools; Grade 4; Elementary School Students; Student Evaluation; Summative Evaluation; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Academic Achievement; Pennsylvania
AbstractImproving systematic use of student data to inform the work of teachers, schools, and districts has become a hot topic in education reform. Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning stress better use of data, and particularly student performance data, within an integrated approach to improving practice. While better use of data by schools and districts is critical to improving student outcomes, the most direct impact comes from teachers using evidence of student thinking and understanding to improve instruction. However, systematically collecting, recording, analyzing, and reacting to this kind of data is challenging for teachers. Two teachers who have harnessed this powerful practice are Ashley Hall and Amy Chimino (two of the authors of this article), both 4th-grade teachers in a not-for-profit charter system near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hall and Chimino have learned to use data formatively to influence what they do instructionally. Their students have been highly successful on measures of performance, and the teachers attribute student success, in part, to the ways that teachers assess learning and use the results from those assessments instructionally. They work collaboratively to develop routines that help them--and their students--gauge how well each student understands and can demonstrate mastery of learning standards. The routines include assessment, feedback, public use of data, reteaching, individualization of tasks, and progress monitoring. Many of their practices serve as an example of what other teachers might do, alone or in teams, to use data more effectively to raise performance. One specific practice--using information from summative assessments in formative ways--is worth highlighting for practitioners who want to use data more effectively in instruction. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLearning Forward. 504 South Locust Street, Oxford, OH 45056. Tel: 513-523-6029; Fax: 513-523-0638; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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