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Autor/inZeren-Akbulut, Merve Görkem
TitelInstructional Content Design on the Cultural Geographical History of Miniature Art
Quelle(2021), (16 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Zeren-Akbulut, Merve Görkem)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterInstructional Design; Geography Instruction; Art History; Goal Orientation; Cultural Education; Painting (Visual Arts); Cognitive Processes; Minority Groups; Units of Study; Grade 11; High School Students; Geographic Regions; Course Content; Content Analysis; Asian Culture; Western Civilization; Primary Sources; Validity; Reliability
AbstractThe third goal-achievement in the "Global Environment, Regions and Countries" unit of the 11 th grade geography curriculum includes the goal-behavior of "To be able to analyze the spreading areas of Turkish culture in terms of regional characteristics". In the geography curriculum rearranged by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education in 2018, the recommended approach to be followed in gaining the stated goalbehavior is explained with the statement "The main tangible and intangible elements representing Turkish culture are presented in relation to the space through examples. With an approach that takes into account the context-based perspective suggested in the geography curriculum, this paper aims to support the acquisition of knowledge content and cognitive process dimensions and to develop instructional content to transform these dimensions into goal-behaviors of the goal-achievement of "To be able to explain the cultural geographical history of Turkish arts of printmaking and miniature in relation to space". Based on the stated aims and arguments, firstly, the importance of Uighur painting art, which is known to have reached maturity between the 8 th and 13th centuries with the empowerment of the classical style based on strong pattern drawings, has been evaluated in terms of the intra/intergenerational transmission of "intangible cultural heritage" (ICH) and art history. Later, the Uighur graphic style, which is known to continue the traces of the old Turkish traditions and its origins are based on rock paintings, in other words the Uyghur line element; it is interpreted in the context of the themes used in the dominant compositions in the spaces where the style finds living space. This research is a content analysis research built in qualitative research design. Content analysis is one of the techniques frequently used in research in social sciences. The literature document of the research consists of the geography curriculum and the research works prepared by using Chinese annuals and Western sources. [For the full proceedings, see ED623569.] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Society for Technology, Education, and Science. 944 Maysey Drive, San Antonio, TX 78227. Tel: 515-294-1075; Fax: 515-294-1003; email:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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