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Autor/inn/enBacher-Hicks, Andrew; Billings, Stephen B.; Deming, David J.
InstitutionNational Bureau of Economic Research
TitelThe School to Prison Pipeline: Long-Run Impacts of School Suspensions on Adult Crime. NBER Working Paper No. 26257
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCorrelation; Suspension; Discipline; Academic Achievement; Educational Attainment; Adults; Criminals; Crime; Institutionalized Persons; Correctional Institutions; Gender Differences; Racial Differences; Ethnicity
AbstractSchools face important policy tradeoffs in monitoring and managing student behavior. Strict discipline policies may stigmatize suspended students and expose them to the criminal justice system at a young age. On the other hand, strict discipline acts as a deterrent and limits harmful spillovers of misbehavior onto other students. This paper estimates the net impact of school discipline on student achievement, educational attainment and adult criminal activity. Using exogenous variation in school assignment caused by a large and sudden boundary change and a supplementary design based on principal switches, we show that schools with higher suspension rates have substantial negative long-run impacts. Students assigned to a school that has a one standard deviation higher suspension rate are 15 to 20 percent more likely to be arrested and incarcerated as adults. We also find negative impacts on educational attainment. The negative impacts of attending a high suspension school are largest for males and minorities. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNational Bureau of Economic Research. 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398. Tel: 617-588-0343; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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