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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionDepartment of the Interior, United States Bureau of Education (ED)
TitelMonthly Record of Current Educational Publications. Bulletin, 1914, No. 41. Whole Number 615
Quelle(1914), (26 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Business Education; Physical Education; School Administration; Child Welfare; Teaching Methods; Rural Education; Library Materials; Government Libraries; Educational History; Biographies; Educational Indicators; Sanitation; Educational Psychology; Child Psychology; Special Programs; Teacher Education; Professional Education; Professional Identity; Educational Facilities Design; Sex Education; Playgrounds; Educational Sociology; Career Guidance; Home Economics; Womens Education; African American Education; Asian American Students; Reading Programs; Special Education; Publications; District of Columbia
AbstractThis bulletin contains a monthly record of current educational publications received by the Library Division of the Bureau of Education. Books, pamphlets, etc., intended for inclusion in this record should be sent to the library of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. This bulletin contains the following: (1) Introductory notes; (2) Publications of associations; (3) Educational history and biography; (4) Current educational conditions; (5) Pedagogics and didactics; (6) Educational psychology, Child study; (7) Special methods of instruction; (8) Special subjects of curriculum; (9) Kindergarten and primary school; (10) Rural education; (11) Secondary education; (12) Teachers: Training and professional status; (13) Higher education; (14) School administration; (15) School management; (16) School architecture; (17) School hygiene and sanitation; (18) Sex hygiene; (19) Eugenics; (20) Physical education; (21) Play and playgrounds; (22) Social aspects of education; (23) Child welfare; (24) Moral education; (25) Religious education; (26) Manual and vocational training; (27) Vocational guidance; (28) Folk high schools; (29) Home economics; (30) Commercial education; (31) Education of women; (32) Africans and Orientals; (33) Education of deaf; (34) Education of defectives; (35) Libraries and reading; and (36) Bulletin of the Bureau of Education. [Compiled by the Library Division of the Bureau of Education, under the direction of John D. Wolcott, Chief of Division. Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUnited States Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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