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Sonst. PersonenMcKay, Penny (Hrsg.); Graves, Kathleen (Hrsg.)
TitelPlanning and Teaching Creatively within a Required Curriculum for School-Age Learners
Quelle(2006), (275 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Second Language Learning; Language of Instruction; Curriculum Development; Social Development; National Curriculum; Language Teachers; English (Second Language); Integrated Curriculum; Literature; Peer Teaching; Scaffolding (Teaching Technique); Values; History Instruction; Vocabulary Development; Writing Instruction; Role Playing; Australia; Canada; Hong Kong; Japan; Taiwan; United Kingdom; United States
AbstractAs the second volume of a seven-volume series, this book describes curriculum development as three interrelated processes: planning, enacting, and evaluating. Curriculum development is a dynamic process that happens among learners and teachers in the classroom. In this volume, readers will encounter teachers, curriculum developers, and administrators from all over the world who sought to understand their learners' needs and capacities and to respond to them in creative, realistic, and effective ways. The chapters in this volume describe two distinct sets of social and educational contexts for English language curriculum development for school-age learners. The first set consists of contexts in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan, in which learners from the same culture study English in school but do not necessarily have immediate needs for it once they leave the language classroom. The second consists of contexts in which learners, often from a variety of cultures, are in schools in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where English is the language of instruction of all subjects and is also the language of social access. The contributors to this volume developed innovative ways of working within the limits of a required curriculum for young learners. In each case, a key feature was collaboration among players in the school context--learners, teachers, administrators, and researchers. The resulting innovations supported learners in tacking content, including literature, human rights, history, and environmental issues. Each chapter is sure to inspire educators who want to provide rich learning experiences for young students. Following a Series Editor's Preface and Acknowledgments, this book contains eleven chapters: (1) Teachers Introducing Change in Required Curricula for School-Age English Language Learners: Influences and Processes (Penny McKay); (2) And Goldilocks Said, "This Bed is Juuuuust Right": The Four-Year Journey of a High School Composition Class (Ellen Scattergood with Martha Clark Cummings); (3) A Collaborative Action Research Approach to Improving Vocabulary Teaching in Taiwan (Yuh-show Cheng and Hsi-nan Yeh); (4) Strengthening Language Arts in English Language Teaching in Hong Kong (Angela Mok, Alice Chow, and Winnie Wong); (5) Adaptation and Contingency: Teaching History to Learners of English as an Additional Language in the Mainstream Classroom (Charlotte Franson and Manny Vasquez); (6) Local Adaptations to Meet National Requirements: Using Role-Play and Text-Modeling Strategies to Enable Young English Learners to Access the National Curriculum (Jacinta Waters); (7) Integrated Content Area Units for ESL Students in an Australian Primary School (Karen Dooley, Michelle Hamlin, Nicole King, Therese O'Brien and Kerry Powell); (8) The Potential of Peer Scaffolding for ESL Students in the Mainstream Class (Jenny Hammond); (9) Literature Study Circles and the Social Development of ESL Learners (Irina Maslennikova); (10) Teaching Values in Action: A Content-Based, Activity-Based Human Rights Unit for Adolescent ESL Students (Isle Slotin and Seonaigh MacPherson); and, (11) Steps for Planning an Integrated Program for ESL Learners in Mainstream Classes (Pauline Gibbons). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenTeachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. 700 South Washington Street Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tel: 888-547-3369; Tel: 703-836-0774; Fax: 703-836-7864; Fax: 703-836-6447; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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