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TitelRenewing Oregon's Economy: Growing Jobs and Industries through Innovation. A Report from the Oregon Council for Knowledge and Economic Development.
Quelle(2003), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBusiness Administration Education; Capital; Economic Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Entrepreneurship; Government Role; Higher Education; Knowledge Base for Teaching; Labor Force Development; Outcomes of Education; Postsecondary Education; Research and Development; School Business Relationship; Science Education; Skill Development; Statewide Planning; Tables (Data); Technological Advancement; Technology; Technology Transfer; Oregon
AbstractThe Oregon Council for Knowledge and Economic Development (OCKED), a collaborative effort among Oregon's higher education institutions, economic development department, and the private sector, is charged with developing strategies to enhance Oregon's economic competitiveness in a knowledge-based, global economy. This report describes the council's efforts and recommendations in three areas: research and technology transfer; capital and business formation; and workforce development. The document contains an executive summary, the council report, four appendixes, and a glossary. The council report contains: (1) the objectives of the study; (2) the OCKED mission; (3) a table showing how Oregon ranks in research and development, capital, business formation, workforce, and higher education measures; (4) goals, outcomes, and recommendations for the three areas; (5) and a list of the council members, advisors and consultants. Appendix A contains the research and technology transfer committee report, Appendix B contains the capital and business formation committee report, Appendix C contains the workforce development committee report, and Appendix D contains the economic development metrics. The document also contains a glossary of economic development metrics. (SLR)
AnmerkungenFor full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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