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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enGorton, Laura; McCauley, Joyce; Farrell, Debi; Nyce, Susan; Johnson, Lisa; Covert, Stephanie; Strauss, Aviva; Maggi, Leigh; Fields, Susan; Eddy, Preethy; Denis, Lauren; Hemperly, Megan; Fronheiser, April; Chambliss, Catherine
TitelThe Relationship between Maternal Employment and Preadolescents' Attitudes and Ambitions.
Quelle(2003), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEmployed Parents; Junior High School Students; Mothers; Occupational Aspiration; Parent Child Relationship; Predictor Variables; Student Attitudes
AbstractThis study investigated the influence of maternal employment on perceptions of the costs and benefits to children associated with mothers working outside the home and professional ambition among junior high school adolescents. A sample of 151 suburban and urban junior high school students completed a questionnaire relating to their professional ambitions and preference for having children. One way ANOVA revealed that maternal non-employment was associated with students perceiving maternal employment as imposing greater costs to children. No group differences in perceived benefits with maternal employment were observed. Analyses were also conducted to determine the relationship of maternal employment during different stages of the childs life and gender upon the childs attitudes and professional ambitions. A significant gender main effect was found for level of occupational ambition. Female students reported a higher level of ambition than their male counterparts. Maternal employment during infancy and preschool years was not significantly associated with level of professional ambition. However, maternal employment during the elementary school years did related significantly to students occupational aspirations. (Contains 73 references.) (GCP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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