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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enBoverie, Patricia; und weitere
TitelLive vs. Taped: New Perspectives in Satellite-Based Programming for Primary Grades.
Quelle(1997), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnalysis of Variance; Case Studies; Communications Satellites; Computer Mediated Communication; Distance Education; Educational Technology; Elementary Education; Instructional Effectiveness; Interaction; Interactive Television; Interpersonal Relationship; Multivariate Analysis; Participant Satisfaction; Social Influences; Teacher Student Relationship; Telecourses; Videotape Recordings
AbstractThe capacity for immediate, or almost immediate, interaction between teacher and student is often cited by distance education program developers as one of the key reasons why interactive satellite courses can be as effective as face-to-face instruction. This paper analyzes the interaction between the learner and the instructor in the distance learning context by examining three research questions: (1) How important is it to provide live broadcasts, rather than taped instruction? (2) What is the importance of the instructor providing a social presence in producing learner satisfaction? and (3) What is the importance of providing interaction between the learners and the on-screen instructor? Data was collected from two Star Schools programs, one in science called "Geonauts," produced by Northern Arizona University, and one in foreign language instruction called "Elementary German," produced by Oklahoma State University. Both deliver instruction to primary/elementary schools (grades 1-6) across the United States using interactive satellite television technology. Case Studies and mail surveys of students and teachers were used to collect data. Findings are presented in four sections, dealing with live versus taped format, interaction, social presence, and a final section examining a multivariate analysis of all of these variables. The results indicate that watching the programs live had the same effect as watching them on tape. Recommendations are made for reshaping paradigms in future distance education programs. (Contains 12 references.) (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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