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Autor/inEster, Michael
InstitutionCommission on Preservation and Access, Washington, DC.
TitelDigital Image Collections: Issues and Practice.
Quelle(1996), (44 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Access to Information; Archives; Electronic Publishing; Electronic Text; Futures (of Society); Information Storage; Library Collections; Microfilm; Nonprint Media; Preservation; Printed Materials; Reprography
AbstractThe Commission on Preservation and Access has published a number of reports on the preservation and access implications of scanning text and microfilm. This report focuses on what sets the digitization of visual collections apart from other scanning projects. Projects to digitize visual collections present their own unique set of questions and concerns, as well as issues that overlap with digital capture of text. The report provides basic suggestions about planning digitization projects, practical guidelines for working with images, and some final thoughts about the future systems and infrastructure needed to provide collections of images over the long-term. To use digitization as a tool to provide worthwhile, enduring access to treasured cultural and historical resources, one must become informed, establish guidelines, and proceed in rational, measured steps to assure that such reformatting of visual matter is accomplished as well and as cost-effectively as possible. The paper includes the following sections: (1) Introduction (Digital Images as a Reproduction Medium and Of Letters, Lines and Images: Reproductions in Print Publications); (2) The Original Object and Its Reproduction; (3) A Framework for Assessing Image Quality; (4) Color Matching for Image Collections (Color Management, Transformation and Image Output and Controlling Images in Distribution Environments); (5) Documentation and the Integration of Image and Text (Production and Management Documentation); (6) Building Image Collections; and (7) Image Access and User Environments (Rights To Image Collections, Electronic Publications and Use of Visual Materials, and How Will Collections of Digital Images Be Created?). (Contains 45 references.) (SWC)
AnmerkungenCommission on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th St., N.W., Suite 715, Washington, DC 20036-2217 ($15).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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