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Autor/inGregory, Richard
TitelIdentify and Alleviate the Relationship Stressors Experienced by Couples with Children with Special Needs.
Quelle(1995), (123 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Praktikumsbericht; Child Rearing; Children; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Counseling; Family Life; Family Problems; Foreign Countries; Group Counseling; Marriage Counseling; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Counseling; Parenting Skills; Parents; Special Needs Students; Stress Management; Canada
AbstractRelationships between parents of children with special needs and their children are profoundly impacted by the child's special needs. Literature identifies several discrepancies in reported outcomes of these stressors and also speaks to the impact on overall marital satisfaction in these couples. In this project literature findings were reviewed, variables which influence the effects of having a child with special needs were identified, and an 8-week program for couples with a child with special needs was developed. The program explored various issues pertaining to having a child with special needs, identified how these impact on the relationship, and offered some coping strategies and insights to enhance the marital relationship, thus providing a service which has been lacking in traditional parent support initiatives. The participants in the group responded favorably to the process and with regard to their experiences in the group. Appendices account for approximately one-quarter of the document and include handouts, questionnaires, and other documentation used in the group. Contains 96 references. (JBJ)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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