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Autor/inMurray, Bruce
TitelSegmentation or Identity? Reconceptualizing Phoneme Awareness.
Quelle(1994), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Elementary Education; Higher Education; Models; Phoneme Grapheme Correspondence; Phonemic Awareness; Phonetic Analysis; Phonetics; Reading; Reading Processes; Reading Research; Reading Strategies
AbstractA survey of the training literature on phoneme awareness suggests that help for slower readers comes in the form of a focus on phonemes through stretched sounding and phoneme isolation in a careful progression that considers the number and choice of phonemes and position in syllables. Stretching and isolating phonemes allows beginners to explore their articulatory boundaries and begin to create a representation of memory. The research on phoneme awareness has largely assumed that the essential awareness task is segmentation. However, various empirical and theoretic problems with segmentation suggest a new conceptualization of phoneme awareness as, at root, a matter of recognizing phoneme identities; that is, recognizing phoneme similarities and dissimilarities in words. The proposed model of reading acquisition, therefore, argues that knowledge of phoneme identities and letter identities are necessary learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences. Knowledge of correspondences then enables the use of letters as visual symbols of phonemes, making it possible for letters to become mediators in working memory. The ability to recognize letters as symbols for phonemes enables the initial decoding breakthrough of phonetic cue reading and facilitates the more advanced phonemic manipulations of blending and segmentation during phonological recoding. In general, attaining sufficient familiarity with phoneme identities to recognize them in the context of spoken words seems to be the initial hurdle in learning to read. (Contains 66 references.) (TB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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