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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionState Univ. of New York, Albany. Office of Institutional Research and Planning.
TitelUtilization of Residence Hall Facilities, Fall 1993, with Trends from Fall 1984. Report Number 9-94.
Quelle(1994), (107 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; College Buildings; College Housing; Dormitories; Educational Finance; Enrollment Trends; Facility Utilization Research; Higher Education; Income; Resident Assistants; Residential Colleges; Residential Patterns; Space Utilization; State Colleges; Tables (Data); Trend Analysis; New York
AbstractData were gathered and analyzed in Fall 1993 on the use of residence hall facilities at all New York state operated colleges with residence halls and these data were also analyzed for trends by comparison with data since 1984. Twenty-six institutions were surveyed. Findings include the following: (1) in Fall 1993 the total utilization of residence hall facilities (headcount) was reported to be 58,857, the smallest utilization in the past 10 years; (2) net revenue producing adjusted design capacity also decreased slightly from 1992 to 61,340 (bedcount); (3) occupancy level (96 percent) was only marginally higher than 1992 (95.7 percent) and was therefore the second lowest in the past 10 years; (4) trend data indicated that for 6 of the last 10 years revenue producing utilization of residence halls for purposes other than resident student occupancy generally increased; (5) the average number of students per resident assistant for the system as a whole remained relatively constant over the past 10 years; (6) University Centers all showed increases in percent utilization of net revenue producing adjusted design capacity from Fall 1992, and (7) Fall 1993 data showed that percent utilization of net revenue producing adjusted design capacity for the University Colleges decreased for the third consecutive year from the Fall 1990 peak of 100.8 percent. Twelve tables present the data in detail. (JB)
AnmerkungenOffice of Institutional Research, State Univ. of New York, University Plaza, Albany NY 12246.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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