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Autor/inn/enGattiker, Urs E.; Larwood, Laurie
InstitutionLethbridge Univ. (Alberta). Faculty of Management.
TitelPredictors for Career Achievement in the Corporate Hierarchy.
Quelle(1989), (38 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Career Choice; Careers; Congruence (Psychology); Employee Attitudes; Foreign Countries; Models; Predictor Variables; Success; Canada
AbstractCareer achievement can be considered as a subset of career success, but it is not as concerned with the usual measures of success such as financial wealth and prestige as with reflecting the employee's movement through the corporate hierarchy. In this study objective career achievement was defined as referring to what society considers actual achievement, and perceived career achievement as referring to the individual's subjective, personal standards of career achievement. This study investigated the interrelationships between objective and perceived career achievement and career choices, success criteria, family variables, and demographics. It also examined vocational congruence between career and the individual. The congruence model was tested using both objective and subjective measures. Subjects (N=215) were managers from a variety of organizations. Analyses indicated that demographic and family variables relate to individual perceptions of career achievement as well as to objective indicators of career achievement within a corporate hierarchy. While the applicability of the general congruence model in career research seems limited based on this study's results, the functional congruence model is supported with the data obtained. (Author/ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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