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Sonst. PersonenShere, Waris (Hrsg.); Duhamel, Ronald (Hrsg.)
InstitutionOntario Inst. for Studies in Education, Toronto.
TitelAcademic Futures: Prospects for Post-Secondary Education.
Quelle(1987), (172 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academically Gifted; Cognitive Processes; College Curriculum; College Faculty; College Role; Competency Based Education; Economic Climate; Educational Change; Foreign Countries; Futures (of Society); Governance; Intellectual Development; Nontraditional Students; Participative Decision Making; Peer Evaluation; Postsecondary Education; Teacher Administrator Relationship; Technological Advancement; Trend Analysis; Canada; United States
AbstractPresent trends and future directions in postsecondary education in Canada and the United States are addressed in 15 essays and an introduction by Ron Duhamel. Authors and titles are as follows: "Traditional Values in the Contemporary University" (Robin H. Farquhar); "Facing the Future" (R. J. Duhamel); "Challenges to the Myths of Our Time" (E. Margaret Fulton); "A Future for Post-Secondary Education in Canada" (Paul Gallagher); "A Learning Log for Life" (Don Glendenning); "The Case for Elitism in the University" (John F. Godfrey); "The University in the Post-Industrial Society" (Norman Henchey); "Universities and Society" (Alvin A. Lee); "Peer Review and Faculty Self-Government: A Dissenting View" (Myron Lieberman); "The Arts Curriculum and University Reform" (Michael P. Maxwell); "Some Issues in Higher Education" (Waris Shere); "Role Conflicts of a Professor of Higher Education: An Autobiographical Case Study" (Michael L. Skolnik); "Through the Learning Glass: The Universities" (Alan M. Thomas); "Intellectual Skills in Higher Education" (Janet G. Donald); and "The Universities' Role in the Economy" (John H. Woods). (SW)
AnmerkungenOntario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6 ($30.00, catalog no. 1345).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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