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Autor/inn/enWilson, Stephan M.; Peterson, Gary W.
TitelPersonal and Situational Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction among Young Adults from Rural, Low-Income Appalachian Families.
Quelle(1986), (41 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Size; Life Satisfaction; Low Income Groups; Occupational Aspiration; Predictor Variables; Proximity; Quality of Life; Rural Family; Self Esteem; Socioeconomic Status; Young Adults
AbstractA central issue in thinking about the quality of life is the relationship between objective and subjective indicators. A study was conducted to examine the relative importance of objective status indicators, internal referents of life conditions, residential characteristics, and self-esteem on life satisfaction. Socioeconomic status and gender of the respondent were control variables. This study is a secondary data analysis of a longitudinal survey of life plans of youth from rural, low-income families from Kentucky, North Carolina and Tennessee. In the original study, 580 mother/child pairs of fifth and sixth grade students participated in the first phase of the longitudinal project. The present study involved 322 Appalachian whites who participated in the three data collection periods (1969, 1975, and 1979) of the longitudinal project. Their responses to survey questions were subjected to a multiple regression analysis. The results indicated the relative importance of subjective indicators versus objective indicators of life conditions on self-reported life satisfaction. Community size and frustrations about occupational ambitions were negatively related to life satisfaction. Money available, proximity to childhood home, and self-esteem were positively related to life satisfaction. Other variables, including educational and occupational attainment, were not related to life satisfaction. (Author/NB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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