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Autor/inLambert, Robert G., Jr.
InstitutionArmy Public Affairs, Washington, DC.
TitelGrant's Final Battle: The Writing of His Memoirs.
Quelle(1985), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAutobiographies; Black History; Blacks; Civil Rights; Civil War (United States); Humanities; Military Science; Personal Narratives; United States History; United States Literature
AbstractIn the summer of 1884, Ulysses S. Grant wrote his "Memoirs," which were published and promoted by the great American writer, Mark Twain, who encouraged and aided Grant in his literary work. Grant was fatally ill with cancer of the throat and raced against time to complete his manuscript. He was motivated by the desire to provide financial support for his family, which had been impoverished by his business failures. The book that emerged from Grant's courageous efforts is a masterpiece, which literary experts and historians have compared to Caeser's "Commentaries.""The Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant" treats his childhood slightly, expands to detail his Mexican War experiences, skims over his inter-war activities, and concludes with a major emphasis on his participation in the Civil War. Grant's clear, concise, treatment of Civil War experiences have made his book a classic of military history, which is studied in military academies throughout the world. Mark Twain's relationship to Grant is highlighted in two "Sidebars" that are appended to this essay. "Sidebar Number One" is a brief excerpt from "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed" by Mark Twain, in which Twain describes his fleeting encounter with Grant during the Civil War. "Sidebar Number Two" discusses a pamphlet titled, "How to Introduce the Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant," which is addressed to salesmen of Grant's "Memoirs" and may have been written by Mark Twain. A chronology of main events in Grant's life is also appended. (JP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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