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Autor/inRey, Micheline
InstitutionCouncil for Cultural Cooperation, Strasbourg (France).
TitelThe Coimbra Community Awareness Project (Portugal). The CDCC's Project No. 7: "The Education and Cultural Development of Migrants."
Quelle(1983), (19 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Agency Cooperation; Community Attitudes; Community Development; Community Education; Community Involvement; Coordination; Cultural Awareness; Demography; Foreign Countries; Migrant Adult Education; Migrant Programs; Migrants; Public Agencies; Second Language Programs; Portugal
AbstractThe Coimbra (Portugal) Community Awareness Project is intended to remedy the social problems caused by migration by helping a local community take responsibility for its own affairs, understand the interactions at work, and enable both residents and emigrants to benefit together from migration. The project operates at several levels under the auspices of various international, national, and church bodies. For example, Caritas provides community development activities for people of all ages, the Directorate General of Adult Education focuses on literacy and basic education, cultural preservation, crafts, and creative expression, and the Intergovernmental Committee for Migration programs provides French and English classes. Site visits by project representatives reveal that interagency links seem fragile, schools and industries are not well represented in the project, and efforts toward regional economic development have been unsuccessful. However, after several years of operation, some positive results can be seen such as increasing demands to participate, increasing geographical expansion, growing community participation, and improved project leader skills and methods. The method of using cooperating local bodies to operate a community-wide program on the basis of real needs is transferable to other locations. Cooperation between both host and origin countries is essential to improving migrant status. (SB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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