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Autor/inYarger, Sam J.
InstitutionNational Commission on Excellence in Education (ED), Washington, DC.
TitelInservice Education.
Quelle(1982), (63 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Change Strategies; Delivery Systems; Educational Change; Educational Research; Educational Trends; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Political Issues; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; Relevance (Education); Social Problems; Teacher Centers; Teacher Education Programs; Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Responsibility; Teacher Role; Teaching (Occupation)
AbstractThis paper, on the state of inservice teacher education, is divided into five parts. The paper's first part, which focuses on the context in which teaching occurs and on the role of the teacher, points out that, while the common denominator in the study of teaching is the teacher/learner relationship, social issues also affect teachers and teaching. In the paper's second section, a profile is drawn of the current state of inservice education, including the magnitude of the endeavor, knowledge base, program content, program delivery, and evaluation. The third part of the paper gives examples of five high quality inservice programs and describes identified characteristics of effective inservice: client involvement, recognition of district and school needs, focus on instruction of children, skill-driven training, and in-class observation, feedback, and coaching. In the fourth part, three main high level issues confronting education today are examined: the politicalization of inservice education, lack of institutional commitment, and the problem of incorporating inservice into the responsibilities of elementary and secondary teachers. The final section of the paper presents a recommendation for the founding of an American Education Congress. A brief discussion outlines the potential strengths of such a Congress in bringing about consensual policy setting and monitoring of education, specifically teacher education. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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