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Autor/inn/enBunderson, C. Victor; und weitere
InstitutionWICAT, Inc., Orem, UT.
TitelInstructional Systems Development Model for Interactive Videodisc Training Delivery Systems. Volume I: Hardware, Software and Procedures.
Quelle(1980), (108 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Programs; Display Systems; Input Output Devices; Instructional Development; Man Machine Systems; Media Research; Military Training; Production Techniques; Video Equipment; Videodisc Recordings
AbstractDeveloped for use by army authors, this report provides information to assist in the step-by-step production of interactive videodisc training delivery systems (VTDS). The first of three volumes describes the hardware and software for VTDS, as well as videodisc authoring and production systems (VAPS). The range of capabilities of consumer-model videodisc players and intelligent videodisc systems is explained and three levels of authoring/production software are summarized. Systems design, potential applications, and a description of levels of learner/computer interaction are examined. Included in the discussion of authoring and production processes and premastering considerations are the constraints involved, the relative merit of tape versus film-based production, and alternatives for text and graphics production, editing, and proofs. A list of available hardware and software necessary to facilitate authoring and a 31-item bibliography are included. (LMM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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