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Autor/inn/enHallworth, H. J.; Brebner, Ann
InstitutionCalgary Univ. (Alberta). Faculty of Education.
TitelComputer Assisted Instruction in Schools: Achievements, Present Developments, and Projections for the Future.
Quelle(1980), (243 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Computer Assisted Instruction; Costs; Developmental Disabilities; Disadvantaged; Elementary Secondary Education; Futures (of Society); History; Input Output Devices; Microcomputers; Multimedia Instruction; Program Descriptions; Programing Languages; Student Attitudes; Technological Advancement; Videodisc Recordings; Videotape Recordings
AbstractThis overview of computer assisted instruction (CAI) traces the development and use of computers in learning and instruction and describes some current CAI projects including PLATO, CDC PLATO, TICCIT, and others at Stanford University and the Computer Curriculum Corporation, and in Chicago, Los Nietos (California), Minnesota, Europe, and Canada. Technological developments in microcomputers and their use for CAI; hard copy, display terminals, and multimedia terminals for CAI; videotape; videodisc; and communications are discussed. Also examined are factors influencing the future development of CAI, such as costs, student achievement and attitude, integration of CAI into the instructional setting, and CAI languages. Conclusions and recommendations are concerned with hardware, software, courseware, personnel, priority areas for CAI, and demonstration projects. An extensive bibliography is provided, and additional remarks on CAI languages and a schedule of visits made in connection with the study are appended. (CHC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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